Sunday 22 May 2011

SmS is an Amazing Technology

The Mobile Data Association (MDA) today announced that 4,825 billion messages were sent during September 2007, an average of over 1,2 billion messages every week, staggeringly, the same number of messages sent during the whole of 1999.

The Mobile Data Association (MDA) has today announced its latest quarterly UK research into mobile phone text volumes. The figures show that 4,825 billion messages were sent during September 2007, an average of over 1,2 billion messages every week, staggeringly, the same number of messages sent during the whole of 1999. The research shows a 25% growth compared to 2006 and has caused the MDA to revise it annual predicted total figure from 48bn to 52bn messages in 2007. Mobile texting continues to go through the roof, what’s driving it, why the obsession? Mike Short, Chairman of the Mobile Data Association, looks at some of the facts:
Bundled or packaged monthly deals from mobile operators have meant that all customers are getting a deal to suit their own mobile usage needs
UK businesses have woken up to the potential of SMS. We have seen a significant increase in companies communicating with customers and employees via SMS
In an industry plagued by complexity and compatibility issues, text messaging is simple and effective technology that works on every phone, at home or abroad.
All levels of society (young & old) continue to embrace texting
Texting continues to play a central part in our daily work and private lives
The cost of a text message continues to fall as a result of increased competition
It’s a very personal way to communicate

Chairman’s approved quotes:

Mike Short, Chairman, The Mobile Data Association, said:

Quote – Growth of text
“The continued growth of text volumes remains a source of fascination for us all at the MDA. We have been central in helping to promote the technology from our initial campaigns back in 1998. Today text messaging remains important but as part of a much larger and more complex mobile communications industry. From mobile TV, mobile advertising and marketing to internet browsing and music and content creation, the mobile device continues to extend its reach into increasing parts of all our lives.”

Quote – What next for mobile data
“The UK text volumes show no real signs of abating and the UK sits within the top six of the Global league of countries sending text messages. While the trend towards operators offering ‘all-you-can-eat’ tariffs increases, this will act as a catalyst for consumer’s passion for all things mobile.”

How the September statistics breakdown:
4,825,000,000 per month
1,200,000,000 per week
173,000,000 per day
14,400,000 per hour (based upon most texts being sent in 12 hour period)
239,000 per minute
4,000 every second
70 text messages per person per month in the UK*

*Based on 69million registered devices in the UK (Netsize Guide 2007)

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